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The Preschool Squad



Last Updated: 05/30/2024



Tuition & Fees:

Preschool Registration Fee - A one-time non-refundable registration fee of $100.00 per child is required upon enrollment of child.  This fee covers all supplies and field trips throughout the year and secures their spot in the preschool program.

Tuition Fee - Payments are expected on the 1st of each month of September through May (T/Th: $185 or M/W/F: $250).  I accept the following payment method: Cash, Check, Venmo and Debit or Credit Card.  Please note that a 3.5% plus $0.15 fee will be added to all card transactions to cover the fee's. 


*Your child has a reserved space regardless of whether or not he or she is in attendance. You are responsible for your child’s regular tuition fee for all additional time your child is absent.*


Returned Checks - All returned checks are subject to a $35 fee each time re-deposited.  Any account that has more than 2 returned checks will have to pay a different form of acceptable payment.


Late Fees - There is a late fee of $25 if tuition is not paid within the first 5 days of the month.  Additional $25 if not paid by the 10th and additional $25 if not paid by the 15th.  If tuition and late fee's are not paid in full by the 15th your child will be suspended from school.  If tuition is not paid by the end of the month your child’s enrollment will be terminated.  If you wish to re-enroll and if the spot is available you can by paying a new registration fee plus any past due tuition and late fees.  I know there are sometimes exceptional circumstances and if you anticipate having a problem making a payment, please let me know as soon as possible and I will try to work with you. 


Vacation/Holidays/School CancellationI follow the Meridian School District’s Calendar rather closely.  Our Preschool will be off during all of their major breaks, but will not, however, take off many of the teacher in-service or semester break days in order to maintain consistency.  I am allowed to get 5 personal days off in case of an emergency (parents will be notified via email.  In the event of bad weather, like a snow day, or any type of natural disaster we will cancel school if the Meridian School District does and you will be notified via email. These days will not be refunded in your tuition.  (Our calendar on our website will show the days we have no school!)


Withdrawal Policy - A 30-day notice is required for termination except NO withdrawals will be accepted after April 1st.  If there is a need to withdraw you are still responsible to pay for May's tuition.


Summer Camp or Kindergarten Summer Readiness Program - To guarantee your child spot in the summer 8 week program there is a $25 non-refundable registration fee to secure your child's spot.  Summer Programs runs June & July Summer Camp (Tue & Thurs) monthly tuition $200

Art & Music (Tue & Thurs) monthly tuition $200

Kinder Summer Readiness (M,W,F) monthly tuition $250

Summer Reading Program (M,W,F) monthly tuition $250


Parent Communication:

Open and honest communication with parents is a core principal in my classroom.  I see myself as working with parents on a team, and that requires we have a great relationship.  Using Facebook messenger and email developing effective communication with parents has become easier than ever.  This, of course, is not intended to replace verbal communication but to enhance it and make it easier when you need to send me a quick note.  Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.  I want every parent to feel very comfortable contacting me whenever they need to.


We have Facebook & Instagram posts with pictures of what the children are doing in our program often.  (Permission for your child’s photo to be posted is your choice and your permission to opt out or in will be on the registration form).  We understand each family has personal preferences regarding Facebook and respect your decision about having your child’s pictures posted. Many parents love being able to see their children throughout the day, but other people are more private.  It is totally your choice.  Regardless please check out our page often to keep up with what your child is doing at preschool.


Parents Portal - This web page will pretty much be your go to for announcements, important reminders, calendar, tuition payments, and more!  Only current parent’s whose child is enrolled in the preschool program has access to the parent’s portal and it will require a login.



Arrival and Departure Routine:

Staff members are the only adults permitted in the building unless you have a Parent Visit Pass.  During drop off and pickup, please do not drive up the drive way.  You may park on the side and walk up the drive way.  Please be respectful to my neighbors. Do not park in front of their driveways, driving fast through the neighborhood, or allow your children to walk on their lawns. Also, when picking up or dropping off avoid backing up or turning around in the street.


To assure preschoolers safety, I ask that you notify me via email or leave a voice message if someone new is going to be picking up your child along with any other pickup or drop off changes such as carpools or early pickup times, if your child will be absent for the day, and if you are going to be late picking up your child. Should I not hear from you, it is my intent to contact you via email to insure that your child is safe.  I understand that these things happen so no late fees will be asked if less than 10 minutes late, just try not to make it a habit, or we may have to have a talk.  I’ll call parents after 10 minutes.  If I’m not able to get a hold of either parent, I’ll begin calling down the emergency contact list. (If more than 10 minutes late there will be a $10 late pickup fee and an additional $1.00 per minute for every minute thereafter will be added.)  So best not to be late!


* Please notify me via email if your child is going to be absent.  If we do not hear from you, an email will be sent out to you to inform you that your child was marked absent.  The email is a safety precaution. *


If your child is going to be late feel free to bring them whenever you can.  We’d much rather see them late than not at all. 



Parent Visits:

I have an open classroom policy, which means you are welcome to come to preschool anytime.  I love having parents in the classroom and encourage that each parent should try to come for a preschool day at least once a year so that they are able to get to know the class better.  If you are planning to visit try to notify me ahead of time so that I can utilize the treat of having an extra adult around. It’s great to have some extra hands and I like to keep you busy if I can.  I do suggest that for the first month of preschool that parents don’t visit.  Your child is making a transition to a more independent setting and having a parent there in the first month while they are still figuring out the classroom and myself, and where they fit in can actually be difficult for them.  I find that after a month most preschoolers are over this period and are ready to have you visit.  If you have any questions about whether or not it’s a good time yet for you to come and spend the morning with us just ask and we’ll chat.



Potty Training:

In addition to meeting the age requirement, your child must be potty trained!  So please start working hard on toilet training your child this summer before preschool starts.  Also, start working on them learning how to dress and change themselves if they have occasional potty accidents.  If they are very resistant to toilet training, are still in a diaper, or having frequent poop accidents there is a chance they are not ready yet for preschool. Nearing the beginning of the school year, if this is still the case just give me a call and we can discuss what would be best for your child.



Behavior Issues:

I try my best to reduce most behaviors by thoughtful classroom set up and routine.  However, young children are still working on their social and emotional skills; so of course, tricky behaviors will arise, especially at the beginning of the year.  If a problem does arise, depending on the child, I will use either positive guidance or redirection.  Positive guidance means that I will try and coach them through the issue, helping them to explain the problem, recognize the issue, the feelings of all involved, and together work to come to a solution.  Redirection, used mostly with the younger children who don’t have the skills yet to work through this process, basically means I direct them away from the issue and send them off to work somewhere else (best way to describe is DISTRACTION!).

If for some reason the problem persists I may send the child to work at a space of my choosing away from their peers until they are able to calm down enough to work through to a solution.  I rarely employ time out.  Controlling negative impulses is an important part of the work we do here at preschool, and it’s more important for the child to recognize and learn to control these behaviors than to send them off alone to sit.

If I feel that whatever happened was handled effectively and satisfactorily to both the child and I then I may not mention it to the parent.  If, however, they are still upset, got hurt, or it is an ongoing or persistent problem I’ll contact the parent so that we can work together as a team to help the child be successful in class.


The Preschool Squad reserves the right to terminate a child from the program if a child is consistently unable to gain control and persists in aggressive behaviors that pose a constant threat to their peers and/or the staff.


If any time your child mentions an incident at school that you are concerned about please don’t hesitate to call me.  I pride myself with open and honest communication with parents and want to feel like we are working together.



Field Trips & Field Day:

During the school year we are aiming for 3 Field Trips (we try our best to make it on the following months: Oct, Jan and Apr) which will require a parent attendance.  Younger siblings are welcome to join.  Because of liability issues, parents are responsible for transportation to and from ALL field trips, and are to stay the entire time. Parents are to meet me at the field trip location, and we will not be returning to the preschool after the field trip.  Admission for the preschoolers will be paid.  Parents are responsible for their own admission plus any additional parent and siblings that may be coming along. I will let you know ahead of time of the cost, if any, will be associated with a field trip.


We have our annual Field Day typically in the end of April or beginning of May.  It is a fun family event with the whole preschool team. Variety of sport/obstacle courses along with an all together family group kickball.  A parent is required to attend due to not being on school site. Moms, Dads, Siblings, Grandparents are welcome to join the fun! 



Sick Policy:

Preschool is often a child’s first prolonged contact with germs in the outside world.  If it’s your child’s first year of preschool let me give you a warning, they are going to get sick, and probably more than usual.  It’s just how it goes as their little bodies adjust to a new environment.  Keeping everyone as healthy as possible takes commitment from each family as well as myself.  At school we will practice constant hand washing and learn how to properly cover our mouths when coughing.

You can help by knowing and following our illness policy.  Please do not send your child to school with diarrhea, vomiting, fever, rash, head lice, chicken pox, severe sore throat, deep cough or other contagious disease like pink eye, strep throat, mumps, measles, influenza, whooping cough, croup, impetigo, tuberculosis, rubella, rosella, covid-19, etc. Please use common sense when determining if your child is sick enough to stay home from school.

*Children must be excluded for 24 hours after the symptoms of the illness have subsided without the aid of medication.*
If the child becomes ill at preschool the parent will be contacted and the child will need to be picked up as soon as possible. During the time spent waiting the ill child will be separated from the other children and given the opportunity to rest.


*Covid-19: If the child or a member of the child household has been exposed by someone who was positive with COVID-19 we ask that they notify the school and be absent for 2 weeks.  If the child or a member of the child household has positive results of COVID-19 the school will notify each preschoolers families.


Read our Covid-19 School Policies!


COVID-19 and other Communication Diseases:

The health and safety of our preschoolers and families is always our highest priority.  The Preschool Squad has put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and other Communication Diseases.  Staff are to take everyday preventative actions (washing hands with soap & water, hand sanitizer available at entrance and in classroom, intensify cleaning & disinfecting classroom and objects).  Classroom is equipped with good air circulation by use of an air purifier.  We have adopted additional health and safety measures on CDC guidelines, State of Idaho, the State Board of Education, Central District Health Department, and the American Academy of Pediatrics.  Given the evolving situation, we will continue to update these protocols as necessary and parents/guardian will be notified when changes occurs and our website will have the most up to date guidelines.


The preschool cannot guarantee that you, your family or your child(ren) will not become infected with COVID-19 and other Communication Diseases.  Further, attending the preschool and preschool-related activities could increase your child(ren)’s, you and other members of your family risk of exposure to the COVID-19 and other Communication Diseases.


Read our Covid-19 School Policies!



Health & Medication:

Your child’s health is important to all of us, but there are certain boundaries that I cannot cross.  I will not administer any type of medication. This includes prescription and non-prescription medication.  If a child needs medication of any kind, a dosage schedule must be set up that does not include the hours that the child is at school.  Please inform me of any special health precautions, medications or other concerns you may have about your child. 

In case of emergency, I will make every effort to contact the parent first. Children requiring emergency treatment may be transported by a teacher or EMS for minor injuries requiring immediate treatment.

I am trained and certified in CPR & First Aid.



Photo Authorization:

Photographs and video's are taken during on separate occasions such as birthdays, holidays, outings, special occasions as well as in the normal course of our day.  We use these pictures/video's for teaching, sharing information about their day, arts & crafts, albums, class books, pictures CD's and various other things school/camp related.  Photos which may include your child may be given to families who also attends "The Preschool Squad" or may appear in the newspaper unless otherwise noted by you.  You will have an option to opt in or out to allow us to take photograph's/video's of your child and for us to use them in the classroom, give to parents as a remembrance, school program, and also posting on our Business Website, Facebook, and Instagram.



Birthdays (School Year Preschoolers):

Birthdays are always fun to celebrate and it's definitely the little ones favorite time of the year.  At Preschool Squad we love celebrating birthdays.   Birthdays will be celebrated on the closest preschool day before or on the child's birthday.  Your child is more than welcome to bring goodie bag.  Summer Birthdays will be celebrated in September for August and May for June & July.



Take Home Folders / Homework (School Year Preschoolers):

Take Home Folders - Your child will have a take home folder which contains the monthly newsletter, calendar, homework, reading log, any take home projects that was completed in class, and reminders & letters for parents.  Please always remember to check the folder after school (you don't want to miss out on any important information) and to have the folder in child's backpack when going back to school.


Homework & Reading - On the newsletter there is a list of work activities that the child can do at home with their parent daily.  The worksheets will be provided in the folder (which will be updated weekly) and it is optional.  I highly encourage that your little one do their daily homework along with reading daily.  It will help reinforce what your child has learned in the classroom.  Another benefit of homework is that it may create a special bonding routine between the parent and the child.



Snack & Sharing Time (School Year Preschoolers):

We rotate a snack bag amongst the children.  This becomes an exciting thing for the kids.  Please ensure that snacks do not contain nuts or peanut butter for the safety of all our preschoolers.  The day your child is in charge for snack day will also be the day he/she will get to bring something from home to share to the class.  Please don't let your child bring anything valuable or breakable unless you have arranged it with me ahead of time.  You will have access to our classroom Calendar which will show what day your child is assigned on for Snack & Sharing Time.  The calendar will be on our website under the Parents Portal and it will also be handed out the last school day of each month in your child's Take Home Folder. 


Book Fair:

I am a big fan of Children books!  Our classroom will be having a LIVE Usborne book fair once a year (possibly 2x) during the school year.  You and your child will be able to shop for books after class or order online.  It's also a good time to visit the classroom to see your child's art work and showing you all the fun things they do in class.


What To Bring (School Year Preschoolers):

Please provide a back pack and water bottle for your child to bring back and forth to school each day.  This should include 1 complete change of clothes, including shorts or long pants, t-shirt or long sleeved shirts, socks & underwear.  Dirty clothes will be sent home each day, please be sure to replace any missing items.


Dress Code - Casual clothing is strongly recommended. Your child should be dressed for play; children do get dirty when they are actively involved in play. We feel letting them learn through explorations is much more important than keeping their clothes spotless.  Please send your child in clothing that is easy to manage and always dressed for a great day.  This includes shoes that they can move freely and clothing that is appropriate for the weather


Graduation/Rewards Night (School Year Preschoolers):

Graduation/Rewards Night is a time to celebrate one of the children's early milestones.  Especially for the children's that will be entering kindergarten the next following school year.  It's a big change for the little ones as the emphasis shifts from play-based learning to more and more desk time.  Having this ceremony helps make their transition to kindergarten more special than scary.  We encourage parents to invite grandparents to witness this special moment in their child's life.  


We will be putting together a special program which will be performed on stage and it will be for ALL classes on a day that is on the last week of class.  More details will be given 3 weeks before the event.  Children's in my Pre-K class will be dressed in a Blue Graduation gown and our Preschool class will be dressed to their best.  We will be handing out rewards for their great accomplishment.


After the ceremony there will be time for pictures with family and yes....TREATS!  Our preschoolers worked hard and they deserve to be celebrated BIG!


* Each child enrolled in Preschool Squad school year will receive a digital copy of their School Picture, Winter & Spring Picture along with End of the Year Picture.  For kids attending Kindergarten the following school year they will receive a Graduation Picture wearing the Cap & Gown.  Also each child will receive a Preschool Squad T-Shirt.​

“Grow. Explore. Discover.”

CALL US: (208) 994-7808

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